Wednesday, November 17, 2010

ears2hear and eyes to see

Growing up my all time most inspirational movie was a
spike lee joint called Malcolm X.

The part of the movie that stood out the most for me
was the speech that was made in reference to: Deception.

" I say and say it again, you've been had. You've been took. You've been hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray."

The next time I heard those words being used
was in a speech by President Obama .

During my study over the last 2years of the topic of the 'Deception',
I found myself in the book of Revelations.
There it stated that the Devil deceive(s) the whole world. That statment had left me with many questions.
Howdid he deceive us or better how is
he deceiving us now?, and why arent we doing anything about it?

I have learned that we have been secretly indoctrinated with lies instead of educated in the truth.

Below are a few of the topics that will be discussed starting **DEC 2010**.
Some may not be (what your into) but they all tie in together and will affect your future and the future of your children.
You just have to have patient and you will begin to see what I see.
Until we begin you can start your own lil research so that you will have time to prepare your questions on each topic as you will have many.
Know this. My experience tells me that a very small portion of the population really understands what math is. It is a language and we do not understand it. Join me in Learning and Spreading that which we have learned.

With math we receive a BluePrint that give us architecture which gives us .
Research: *****
Seek to find what each represents or really means.
1) Obelisk-
2) StrawMan-
3) Act of 1871-
4) Stars in the Sky-
5) U.S. Patent #5676977-
6) Symbolism-
7) 13 Blood Lines-
8) Soverign-
9) H1N1 Hoax-
10) Flouride&ChemTrails
For notes visit my site

For a TasteTest:
Straw man, as defined in Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition:
A "Front"; a third party who is put up in name (only) to take part in a transaction.; one who acts as an agent for another. A StrawMan is a Legal fictions. Legal Fictions are the opposite of natural entities, such as people like me and you. A created legal fiction is endowed by the law to have some privileges that resemble the rights that people have, such as the right to hold property and to sue and be sued. When something less fortunate happens to you your (ONLY) remedy is to Sue.
Natural living people cannot mix with legal fictions (corporations) so it was necessary to create a "bridge" between the fictions and the people to bring the people (Under) and make them subservient to the "government" corporation. When the governors of these United States, made the pledge, they agreed to register the birth certificates of the people with the U.S. Department of Commerce. The birth certificate is the security instrument (collateral) used to back up the pledge. The Pledge is to Obey the Code (Laws) and pay Taxes and Interest of the Money given to the Government via The Federal Reserve. Currently this Same Government has not paid the interest which currently is :

The StrawMan is this countries Assests because BirthCertificates are Promisary Notes.

In short, a government issued birth certificate is issued with consent of one parent at the time of birth. The birth certificate is sent to a government agency, generally the Bureau of Vital Statistics. Here, another ‘birth certificate’ is issued, this one spelling the name of the baby in all capital letters, creating a fictional entity (strawman or trade name). If the name on the birth certificate were to represent the baby as a natural individual, it would be spelled with the appropriate upper and lower case lettering. For example, John Quincy Adams, not JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. The all capitals spelling of the name creates a corporate fiction (a strawman, a trade name), which the government can regulate and control.
With the issuance of a birth certificate on this fictional character, this strawman or trade name is placed into international commerce. The government issues a bond on the birth certificate in the amount of $630,000 (today’s value), and the bond is sold on a securities exchange. It is always purchased by the same corporation, the Federal Reserve Bank. Through some trickery and deception, the baby becomes the surety which guarantees the payback of the bond. The trick is to get the baby to volunteer to pay... all of his (or her) life. And that is what the following essay is about... how to avoid becoming liable for a fictional strawman or trade name that was a creation of government for the purpose defrauding the individual (the baby).
Learn more, much more starting now!!
Join me in Learning and Spreading that which we have learned.

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